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Valerie Rose poems dreamweaver poems photo

Now you can read here a free taster extract of a major new book of poems by Andrew Weaver and Sonja Peacock, dreamweaver extract. or see more about this Fantasy, Love, Poetry, Art book and others at 'dreamweaver plus poems'
Or buy a lovely little ebook of poems by Lincoln poet Valerie Rose, Lost Boys.
(Ebooks do have Search, Zoom and other facilities that paper books don't - and Wilmots ebooks can also be printed.)

Why a Grimsby Poets Corner ? Well if there was another one on the Web at the time I thought of it, I could not find it !? And I was briefly a published concrete poet in my youth - a poem of mine 'Only the moon' graced the front cover of one of the smaller poetry magazines. (for now I've put it here below, I think I wrote it not long after a girlfriend had dumped me !) Poets, story and song writers from Grimsby or around need some Web place to show and discuss their stuff, and the world is interested even in those few lines that almost every youth writes for their diary - or post on Forums as many now prefer !?

What does Grimsby Poets Corner and our Forum cover ? Well any poems, songs and short stories certainly. No rules really, and its free. So we can let the world see, what some British poets can do. Get it in and we'll get it on (the Web). And now, a Links section below as well as our Grimsby Poets Forum getting lots of good poetry/song/story posts.

A good recent post by one of our local poets 'K' is a great small ex-poem he calls EX PUNK ;

Tame-haired yet
an anarchic
footwear habit.
Suited yet booted
your Exploited LP's
stacked-neat in the attic.

AND local writer Cara Louise from Cleethorpes has published some very interesting books of hers. She has written mostly in the Magic/Myths genre for children aged 8-12 - local Harry Potter stuff ?! She has mostly published on CD to read on your computer, but also one as a printed paperback. Cara also has one adult novel published called Betrayed, and you can buy from her website - Cara Louise Books - as noted on a post in our educational forum.

So local scribblers, do use our forums or the 'contact' button below.

For now just a few lyrical words - and more soon from you all I hope !?

I believe in rock and roll, and
I believe birds have a soul, and
I believe in making love
because I believe in you.

british poets

YOUR OWN BOOK ? of Poetry/Song/Short Stories.
If you would like to try it, you can get your own e-book published easily at little cost.

On a PC you may use Word to write, or some other wordprocessor, that you may have had to BUY so NOT all PC users have it. But few e-books are published in Word format, and most are published by converting Word files to PDF which allows ANY PC user to read nicely, as there is a good FREE PDF reader available (at www.Adobe.com).

To produce an ebook, or both a printed book and ebook you can use LULU.com, LSI, LightningSource and/or Booksurge. This is cheapest if you format your book to a 6 x 9 inches page size with separate cover 6.125 by 9.25 inches, ideally as pdf files and with any images at 300/305 dpi. For the cheapest way to produce both an ebook and printed book see Publishing.

A short classic e-book you can download now free here is 'Three Ghost Stories' by Charles Dickens, 0,22mb PDF - for other free adult and children's classic literature see our PC-Learning page or the Online Store free-gift area.

love poems

- Only the moon.

...............................................................Tell me,
.......................................................................did I ask
..............................................................................too much-
............................................................................to be allowed
.............................................................................................to love;

.....................................................................................To be allowed
...............................................................................................by woman,
...................................................................................................boy or cat.

................................................................................................only the moon
................................................................................................did not refuse
.................................................................................................or, by limiting
......................................................................................................my loving.

.................................................................................................If the loving
...........................................................................................can't be loved,
.........................................................................................can I yet love?

......................................................................................Can, or must,
..................................................................................................I live
..............................................................................for the moon
.........................................................................and accept

Your Love Poem or Love Song Lyric or other poem or song lyric ;

Lets get one of your love poems or love song lyrics on the Web here soon.
Maybe a sonnet or a rock song or rap or whatever. Love or anger ?
Well you could try anything !
Prove that British poetry and song is not dead, and with of course a 21st century view of British and of poetry and song !

Here is a good poem that may make you laugh, by John A Silkstone from Gainsborough (for other good poems and stories by John see our Forums) ;

Saint George and the Dragon
Once long ago in the days of the dragon
When maidens were tied to a stake,
A knight would ride for many a mile
And still arrive there too late.

Now a very young knight called Sir George
Set out one day on a quest
He went to hunt the last dragon
And in a fight he would do his best.

One day he came to a village,
Was somewhere up Yorkshire way,
And there he found the dragon
The dragon he wanted to slay.

He thought he'd killed the last dragon
So merrily went on his way,
Though the dragon still lives on in Yorkshire
You can see Nora Batty today.

love song lyrics

NE Lincs does have some who can write a bit !
Maybe something like this version of the socially excluded's number one fantasy love song Duke Of Earl ;

Duke of Earl by Gene Chandler 1962

Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl
Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl

As I, I walk through this world
Nothing can stop The Duke of Earl
And-a you, you are my girlblank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl)
And no one can hurt you, oh no.blank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl)
blank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke)
Yes-a I, Oh I'm gonna love you
Oh, oh. Come on let me hold you darling
'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl
So, yea, yea, yea, yeah.
blank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl)
And when I hold youblank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl)
You'll be my Dutchess, Dutchess of Earlblank spacer image(Duke, Duke, Duke)
We'll walk through my Duke-dom
And a paradise we will share.

Listen to it .... .. (maybe up volume or unmute)

PS. Have you maybe written a similar bit of a fantasy love poem or song, but maybe imagining you are a Lottery Jackpot Winner instead of a Duke ?!

Or maybe a bit of a poem more like this 17th century Satire Against Reason And Mankind ;

Were I (who to my cost already am
One of those strange prodigious Creatures Man)
A Spirit free, to choose for my own share,
What case of Flesh, and Blood, I pleas'd to wear,
I'd be a Dog, a Monkey, or a Bear,
Or any thing but that vain Animal,
Who is so proud of being rational.

by John Wilmot (Earl of Rochester), who also wrote a sensitive song about young loving old ( Ancient Person of my Heart), and there is the 'Mrs. Robinson' song by Simon & Garfunkel written for the 1967 college coming-of-age film The Graduate on that theme (and there have been a few Sugar Daddy love songs like Eartha Kitt's 'My heart belongs to Daddy'). The elderly, and increasingly the poor also, have little voice themselves - and others rarely have anything good to say about them either !? On the death of King Charles the Second, a close friend of his, Wilmot wrote this Epitaph ;

Here lies a great and mighty King,
Whose promise none relied on ;
He never said a foolish thing,
Nor ever did a wise one.

These words almost equally well describe John Wilmot's life, of wise(ish) words and foolish actions, when he died aged 36. Maybe his unstable life was due to his father Henry's death aged 45 when John was aged 10 ? When sober he perhaps wrote middle-class poems that the middle-class could acclaim 'great poems', but John Wilmot when drunk perhaps wrote more anarchistic and crude working-class poems that got much less acclaim ?

Maybe you enjoy writing sci-fi a bit, something like ;

In the year 2525,
when 100 was alive.
Open war between robots and men,
and 100 saved us all then.
Earth and Venus allies became,
and took Mars right out of the game.

In the year 2525,
when 100 was alive.

But whatever however you can scribble send to this site please, and show the world that British poets and lyricists are not yet an extinct species ! And we can all scribble something.

Such as this poem posted on the forum by Sal, a Cleethorpes teacher ;

Beautiful Kids.

My Image

These kids, these kids, these beautiful kids,
if only, we say, if only.
non-starters, we call them, not a hope.
do we know what it is to be lonely?

Do we know what it is, us makers of rules
to be dumped by our own flesh and blood,
do we know what it's like, us makers of rules,
if they could show us, they would.

These kids, these kids, these beautiful kids,
they shine like stars in the mire.
these babies, these darlings, these beautiful ones
they are stronger than you or I are.

These rejects, these wasters, these takers of drugs
they are the future, take heed.
these kids, these kids, these ungrateful kids,
they respond in our hour of need.

So next time you mutter or curse at these kids
please bear one thought in mind,
they have come through it, they are still here
so let your next thought be kind.

or have you done a song lyric a bit like ;

Breaking up these rocks on a chain gang,
breaking rocks and serving my time.
Breaking up these rocks on a chain gang,
for what I did for that woman of mine.
Hold it steady right there while I hit it,
well I reckon that oughta get it.
I've been working, I've been working,
but I've still got a long way to go.

Well the judge said nine years of labour,
into the chain gang you've gotta go,
Well the judge said nine years of labour,
and my woman cried "Oh Lordy no!"
Hold it steady right there while I hit it,
well I reckon that oughta get it.
I've been working, I've been working,
but I've still got a long way to go.

love poems

If you want to add anything to our Grimsby Poets Forum like a poem, song or story that you especially like, or your views on one that you hate, or something that you wrote just email us. You can also email your questions, or answers, or be like the vast majority and just look - and maybe learn from what others have to say.
And there are also General Discussion, Games and Puzzles and Educational sections !

Some Poetry-Lyric-Story Links ;
Dave and Julie Evardson, Grimsby.
Patricia Dawson, Grimsby.

Good to get an e-mail from Geoff Tims, saying of this Grimsby Poets Corner ;

"It is nice to see a site that helps promote poetry and even better that they are from my home town Grimsby." Geoff Tims.

And nice to have Eudaman join our forum recently. He writes great short stories and we hope that he will be posting some new ones soon on our forum.

If you have any other poetry-lyric-story links that you feel should be here, please tell us !

british poets

PS. Running this website and a few others and a shop losing money, I am long widowed and getting older but have 2 good single sons born 1990 and 1983 who I do seem to have brought up somewhat badly as in a much too sheltered if modern way.

They do not drink, smoke or party and are non-religious and have little experience of jobs or of dating but are home-loving and like TV and computer games. Both sons are agreeable, non-bossy and easy-going, though maybe rather less so in playing computer games. Both are very healthy with one being 5'7", slim and intelligent and the other being 5'8", slightly over-weight and average but one son has a small strawberry/raspberry allergy and the other son is allergic to dogs.

My younger son is super-considerate and sees himself as looking out for his 80-year-old dad who does not need it and would be happier seeing him marry. But they could well both at least make good house-husbands for 2 Grimsby career women who could ask us over for a Sunday and maybe dinner when cheese-and-tomato pizza would be fine ? They do not know that I have put this on here !

If they might suit you, or if you can even offer a part-time job, please phone me 07506 529830 or e-mail Vincent at vincent@wilmots.me.uk
or visit me at Wilmots, 166 Freeman Street, Grimsby, N.E.Lincs, DN32 7AT

And over the 2022 Christmas period we lost our family cat Shadow who was quite old, but in January 2023 we were lucky to get two lovely black-and-white sister kittns we call Scarlet and Shyla.

maths worksheets

If you want to use the internet to meet anyone, then maybe use here mostly free carefully : Goto Myspace

otherwise, if you have any view or suggestion on the content of this site, please contact (e-mail vincent@wilmots.me.uk):-- contact Wilmot's
Vincent Wilmot, 166 Freeman Street, Grimsby, N.E.Lincs, DN32 7AT.

You are welcome to link to any page on this site, eg www.wilmots.me.uk/grimsby-poets-corner.php

uk love poetry

Our online store (and Freeman Street shop) is designed with Grimsby and Cleethorpes parents and children especially in mind ( and visitors to this great bit of coast ! ). If there are Sats or GCSEs to be revised for, or just a developing mind to be sharpened or amused, see our range of somewhat dated CGP educational books at only £1. We also exclusively stock the full range of Wilmot's Wizard Math Sheets for all ages. Or if family bonding and relaxation need that game or puzzle then we hold a great selection especially of jigsaw puzzles. Visit the store, or tour our website and online store. Your feedback is welcomed and we will try to meet your needs.

Opposite our Freeman Street shop has recently opened 3 new shops - 'Deluxe' hair and beauty, '5 Two 2 Bites' food takeaway who do a good special daily dinner bite deal, and 'Milliebees' dog groomers who are also on Facebook.
And you can see these shops near the bottom of our Learning Holiday section.
Also recently opened at 161 Freeman Street nearby is 'Hoarders World' coffee shop, good sit for your shopping break or whatever !
(and of course a new Grimsby Poundland shop opened in 2023 nearer the harbour end of Freeman Street)

And you might maybe consider,
Cleethorpes small property, freehold £5000 ono
- interested in developing a small Cleethorpes property, formerly Hairdresser ?
- or could be a local Newsagents shop ?
1-storey in 2-storey road so maybe build on top ? - email - Wilmots

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